Spoken Word: Open Arms

Lord Jesus

Open up heaven

And pour out your loving spirit

Take up residence inside of our souls and put back together our broken hearted pieces

We long to know you and be known by you

You show me your love and I will show my love for you

Guide my steps by the sword of your spirit

Your laws are so wonderful I need to fear it to help me hear it

I look at what you create and I can’t comprehend what a majestic maker you are

I wasn’t made to understand it in my brain but thank you for making me this way

So I can run to you for my strength and wisdom

Comforting many victims multiplied by millions you lead us Christians

Thank you Father for the shoes on my feet

Thank you for the capability to praise your name with this speech

Still you deserve way more and the blood of Christ saved me from the pits of hell

There is no way I could repay what you have done to even the score but you did that so I can brag on my Lord forevermore

Not only in grade school but my entire life for show and tell

And here we are

What a gift to gather together and get to taste the glory of our savior

Rivers of joy flow from heaven and pour out on those who are his children

Overwhelmed with thankfulness

This love is too good to keep to ourselves

Let us express the nature of his love to those who need to taste it most

If we are passionate about others knowing Jesus

Let us ask him to deposit heavenly motives on our hearts

For what is in the heart

Comes out of the mouth

So my question to you today is

What do you talk about?

There is so much more to being a Christian than trying not to sin

That’s a life filled with fear one you don’t want to stroll

It will keep you wanting to control your sin rather than submitting your control to Christ

White knuckling our problems only circulates them back around sooner than we would like them to

We have to bank the living word in vault of our hearts so we don’t sin ourselves bankrupt

Allow Jesus to access the combination of your soul

Through surrender and laying down selfish desires

Giving up full control to our Lord Jesus Christ

We have to stare risk in the face and decide it is worth it to lay everything down and follow Jesus

The devil wants to catch you on your heels

Overwhelm you with fears

Keeping you on the defense as much as he can

But the truth is his heel bone has been crushed and we have been given authority over him

Put on the body armor of God and press onward to the future glory that awaits us in Christ Jesus

God is most glorified in us when we are most dependent on him

Let us refresh others and in return we will become refreshed

Pain may creep up in the night but allow joy to wake you up in the morning

If you have buried a talent or gift grab a shovel and bring it back to the surface

We all have a job to do

A plan

A design

A purpose

Christ has opened his arms unto us

Let us share our gifts and open our arms to others

A gospel-centered ministry that is focused on connecting people to Jesus Christ in a creative and personal way.
Oklahoma City, OK
A gospel-centered ministry that is focused on connecting people to Jesus Christ in a creative and personal way.
Oklahoma City, OK

©2025 New Nature Ministries Association. All rights reserved. Website design by Mark Thomas Media.

©2025 New Nature Ministries Association. All rights reserved. Website design by Mark Thomas Media.